Epilation is a very effective way to remove unwanted hair as it has a much longer-lasting effect compared to shaving. Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks, such as pain during the procedure, the possibility of ingrown hairs, perifollicular inflammation, or general skin irritation. Oxford Biolabs’ new Mepilarin® Hair Inhibition System, a post-epilation lotion, sets out to address these issues. An application study has been performed in order to demonstrate the quality of the application features and effects of Mepilarin®. The study featured 30 female volunteer participants and was conducted by a third-party laboratory at the end of 2021/the beginning of 2022. The results of this study are published in the journal Cosmetics.
The study participants who had their application in the lab were treated to the armpit. Their hair density was determined during the course of the study. The analysis of the data showed a reduced hair density as well as a reduced hair strength/thickness using Mepilarin® over time.

All thirty participants of the study rated the different features of Mepilarin®.

As the application of Mepilarin® is slowing the rate of hair regrowth the testers were able to prolong the time between epilations.

The participants were also asked to perform an overall assessment of Mepilarin®.

Mepilarin® Application Study Summary